Saturday, March 22, 2008

the music is all around us...

August Rush.

Cutest freaking little kid ever!

GO RENT IT. Oh my heavens, it was AMAZING. I absolutely, positively, 100% was blown away. It makes you ache for poor Evan/August, and it makes you want to cry with him and celebrate with him and hold him until he finds his mom. It's so, so good. Music is completely put into true perspective when you think about what August says...he feels it. He loves it more than food. I understand exactly what he means...amazing. Pure genius. Freddie Highmore, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Keri Russell, Robin Williams, and Terrance Howard. Don't hate.

Today was shop-until-you-drop day with mi madre...we hit up all the stores worth going to, and i ended up with lovely black lowtop converse, which I've wanted/needed/craved for months, but I couldn't find them in my size.

Easter easter easter....the bunny of fun comes tonight. Hooray? I wish I was in more of an Eastery mood, but it's hard when there's 15 inches of snow on the ground and it's 30 degrees out. Oh well, at least we went to church tonight (wonderful beautiful service, byyy the way) so I can SLEEEEEEP IN tomorrow!

I watched Titanic (sap.) last night with my mom, because it was on TV and I had nothing else to do, and as I was alternating between envying Kate Winslet's hair and lusting after Leo, my mom went all deep on me and was like " know, love is the most amazing feeling in the world. It's...being in's amazing. It's amazing and it's overwhelming and it's completely worth waiting for." Oh, mom. You sap. No really though, I was thinking about that know, you always know these things, but once someone important to you says it as fact, it becomes that much more poignant in your life.

I have to go put cotton all over my house so my brother thinks Mr. Peter Cottontail really exists. I'm seriously having a not-creepy love affair with August Rush (the movie, not the kid). And Jonathan Rhys Meyers. YUM.

Yum. I mean seriously. Jonathan never ceases to deliver ...

Friday, March 21, 2008

march? uhm? what?

What's good? Congrats on finding this - I don't know how you did, but ...good for you (maybe). This is my place where I will be updating (a lot), venting (even more), creating (pasta artwork and silly string sculptures? err...) and making sure that my head stays in the clouds and my feet stay on the ground.

I tend to get a little philispohical, so watch out - I may go all Dr. Phil on you every few posts. Beware!

Entertainment is my industry, so be ready to ride this bumpy, rickity old rollercoaster that I refer to as my life. Just so we're all straight...

Natalie ** Best Friendula Extrodinaire with a side of awesome
Mel ** Mah (favorite!) Momma
Alicia ** Table-sharer at the VC
Christy ** Hollywood Hook-up Helper

And the people I don't know but WILL talk about...

Jonas ** Delish.
Push Play - Steve/CJ/Nick/Derek ** Hokay I've met them but we aren't married. Yet.

Eh...that's all that will come up in most posts. They're my main misses and ...the posters I have in my room (minus hannah, that'd be weird).

I look like such a creeper...driving along. Don't mind me.

I would like to point out that it's March - just 2 days until Easter - and we got over a foot of snow. IS THAT ALLOWED? I mean, I know this is ya-hey-der land, but really now. It's almost Easter. How is Peter Cottontail suppossed to find his way to my house if he can't see over the snow drifts? Let alone is he suppossed to rise from the dead to save the world if his tomb is buried behind a mountain of SNOW? Good grief. Someone needs to put an end to this weather.

Posts should come fairrrrllly regularly, so keep a look-out...I'm a writer by nature, and you'll find I'm a little bit of a scatterhorse and I get off track so keep up or get left in the mountain of snow.
