Monday, June 23, 2008

Chemical party, lover, down

I have new neighbors!

Well, suppossedly I do. The house next to me sold, and there's a new name on the mailbox (Van Vreede. Not joking.) but there's not been a moving truck or anything. I don't know if they just have really rowdy teenagers who party ...alone... at the brand new house, or if it's been broken into, or what's up, but there's been some bizzzzzarre things happening over there.

Example one:
I'm sitting, watching Kardashians (as I am wont to do), and my dad is taking the fat lard that is my dog outside. He comes barrelling inside and is like JOSIE! There was just a car that came FLYING down the road and screeched into the Berthelson's driveway (that's the old neighbors). And some young guys just got out of the car and slunk into the house! I was like...ok...well go take the license plate number and stuff. So he did. Very weird.

Example two:
I was in my room, on my computer, surfing around and stuff, and i hear screaming. Coming from next door. AND THEN I HEAR 3 GUNSHOTS. I almost died, let me tell you. I was like WHAT THE HELL? But I looked outside and I didn't see any lights on or anything nextdoor, so I went to bed. I bury my head in the sand, I guess....

Example three:
Two nights ago, I'm minding my own business, texting Dan and talking to Leesha online, and all the sudden my room is full of smoke...pot-smoke...and I start having a chemical party by myself in my bedroom. Not on purpose. There was ONE light on in the house, and I could hear laughter...and I was semi-high. Uncool.

I sound like a creep going on about my neighbors (or lack-there-of) but my bedroom has two corner windows - one faces the backyard and one faces the house next to me. I happen to like my windows open at night, since my chair is in the corner and I go on the computer late at night and enjoy the breeze, etc etc and so on. I prefer to hear crickets and the music from the mexicans across the street...NOT be forced into a chemical party and made to listen to the sounds of the ghetto coming out of my upper-middle class suburban neighborhood. Call me crazy.

I've had a swollen tastebud on my tongue for like 3 days and it's really getting annoying. For real.

I'm DRAINED. All I want to do is go out and not worry about being home early enough to get to bed and be up again for SCHOOL in the morning. I'm SICK SICK SICK of school. I took a few days off next week, but...I'd like a few MONTHS off, please!

I have a current obsession, other than Kardashians. And no, it's not Living Lohan. That show is gay as hell.

It's Gavin DeGraw.

He is incredibly, totally, and absolutely yummy. I love how imperfect he is. And I love his voice. It's emotional. It's appealing. It's imperfect. I like imperfection - it reminds me that there's only One who is perfect.

Tomorrow I re-start my daily 3 mile trek. I really hate running. And walking. But I haul my ass out of bed at 5 am every morning and take the highroad to picture perfect health. Too bad I run, and hardly eat, and take diet supplements (what a joke) and STILL can't lose weight. Well, I mean, I've lost some weight but not enough. I need to lose like 700 lbs. Sheesh.

Rambling, rambling rambling...

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